Vozili smo automobil BMW serije 3 M 530 konjskih snaga

Vozio sam automobil BMW serije 3 M-power. Šest cilindra, 530 konjskih snaga. Ubrzanja su me dotukla, tjeraju na povraćanje, ubijaju. A isto tako je i s kočenjem. Koči se toliko kasnije od psihološkog pravog trenutka da mi je i tu bilo zlo. Strašan auto. Ne bih ga kupio. Ostario sam. 

P.S. Cijelo vrijeme mi se nametalo pitanje: Pa kako je tek onim 'luđacima' u Formuli 1? Detaljnjije dojmove napisati ću uskoro.

I drove a car BMW 3 Series M 530 horsepower

      I drove a car BMW 3 Series M-Power. The six-cylinder, 530 horsepower. Accelerations me Beats, vomiting, kill. And also is the braking. Braking so much later than psychological correct moment to me and there was evil. Awesome car. I would not have bought it. I'm old.

P.S. The whole time we imposed the question: Well, that is just what 'crazy people' in F1?

For a more detailed impressions I'll write soon.